Friday, May 11, 2012

**it continues

Nobody has fessed up to pooping on the bathroom floor yet, but I have my suspects.  One woman actually cleaned it up, which to me is an admission of guilt.  Why would you clean up someone else's poop?  She's not the janitor, it wasn't her responsibility unless it was hers.  I have told this story to almost everyone I know and I can sense the pity in people's voice mixed with a little disbelief.  Healthy adults acting like animals in an office setting.  Sometimes I can hardly believe myself

Friday, May 4, 2012

Spite Doody

So, this is why I started a blog in the first place.  Someone pooped on the floor at work!!  I myself didn't see it but the whole place is buzzing.  I work with all college educated, law enforcement professionals who should be able to figure out how to use a toilet.  I think it was done on purpose because it didn't appear to have been an "emergency", if you know what I mean.  Someone just went into the stall, locked the door, than dropped a turd on the floor.  Worse yet, they could have brought the turd from home and then purposefully left it behind.  This is not the first time this has happened in this bathroom either, so there is a repeat offender in our mist.  The real victim in all of this is the janitor.