Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2 days in a row

Can't believe I managed to write two days in a row.  This week is flying by so fast.  I'm looking forward to this weekend, we're thinking of giving the boy cereal for the first time.  I've been looking forward to starting solids but tried not to rush it.  My mother had bought us a high chair and I have to pick it up today.  She's been holding on to corned beef for me since saturday and despite it being the last thing I feel like eating tonight I can't hurt her feelings.  I feel like corned beef is stalking me.  My husband made it sunday and I talked him out of leftovers of it monday and tuesday because I didn't want any more.   Now my mother is forcing her leftovers.  I'll be happy when it's all gone and St. Patrick's Day is over.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

free time

I thought I would have so much free time.  I started this blog intending to write everyday but free time has been a forgotten memory.  Work is hectic, which is great because I need the distraction and home is crazy because things I could barely get done all day now have to be condensed into three hours a night.  Get home, feed baby, put everything in dishwasher ( I'm too cheap to buy more and I need to wash everything every night and let it dry for the next day), the baby poops his clothes at least once a day so I have to do his laundry every night, make dinner, wash baby, feed baby, put baby to bed, collapse on my own bed.  I have to wonder what I used to do with my time before, because I used to feel busy than but this is unreal.  When I do have a moment I usually spend it staring off into space.
But since I've returned to work I've had to adjust.  I haven't had to use a public bathroom is forever and had forgotten how gross they are.  Why is there toilet paper wads stuck to the walls?  How does poo get on the back of the seat? How far up are you seating?  A warning to others, if I don't hear you wash your hands I quickly look at your feet than figure out who you are then judge you.  It's gross and why I use a paper towel to open the door. 
Considering how judgemental I am it's amusing that I don't think twice about having some form of spit up on me at all times.  So few of my clothes fit that I can't always change when I see something so I typically just ignore it. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A little sad

Today is the last day of my maternity leave.  I am actually surprised by how sad I have been the past few days at the thought of returning to work and putting my little guy in daycare.  I'm starting to agree with Henry Hill, work is for suckers